Last of the Westland Whigs

In the late 17th century, the 'Westland Whigs' were the radical descendants of earlier Covenanters who had defied the absolutist rule of Stuart kings in south west Scotland.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Glasgow University as Covenant Breakers

20 November 1996 - Issue 184
Potentially the most difficult item on the Agenda, namely the University's intentions on the Crichton site at Dumfries, passed off without a murmur. The Principal on behalf of the Management Group laid out the bones of the scheme. Two committees had been set up: a Project Management Team under Professor Jan McDonald, and an Advisory Board under Professor Skinner. Crichton College was envisaged as a small development: it would build up to 500 FTEs after three years, about half of them being full-time students. An Accord (nothing firmer) was being prepared with other organisations, such as Dumfries & Galloway Council and the Crichton Development Council. The University would not buy, but rent, space on the site. To quote the Principal, Crichton would 'not draw resources from core activities'; instead, there would be 'a need to engage staff to meet additional load'. The Secretary of State and SHEFC were being kept informed.
63.6 Crichton Accord: Revision as the 'New Crichton Accord'
With the development of the University's Crichton College as the major element in the growth of the wider Crichton University campus but alongside the other elements represented by the developments of Paisley University and Bell College, the original 'Crichton Accord' between the University and the other parties in the wider Crichton development had been updated to take account of the involvement of Paisley and Bell. Court approved the 'New Crichton Accord' and noted that it was intended that it be signed at Crichton on 19 May.[2000]
Note: one of the co-authors of this report was M. Easton who I take to be i.e.

Director of Operations for the Crichton University Campus: Dr. Morven Easton

The Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Glasgow and the University of Paisley Relating to the Crichton University Campus Dumfries stated that “a Joint Academic Planning Group for curriculum development will be established to make recommendations to the Joint Management Committee on joint course provision”.
At its meeting of 27th August 1999 the Joint Management Committee of the Crichton University Campus, on behalf of the universities of Glasgow and Paisley, agreed that initially membership of the Joint Academic Planning Group would be drawn from Glasgow and Paisley so as to clarify HE provision overall, before involvement of other potential FE partners.
“The Memorandum of Agreement sets out the arrangements between the University of Glasgow and the University of Paisley in respect of their partnership for the joint development of the Crichton University Campus Dumfries. The Memorandum of Agreement coheres with and furthers arrangements set out in the Joint Bid from the Universities of Glasgow and Paisley submitted to the SHEFC for Strategic Change


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